

I’m probably a bit different than a lot of folks in that it’s the rogues, renegades, spooks and knuckleheads that intrigue me. The horses other trainers won’t take on. And the ones those other trainer cause. This fabulous Andalusian stallion that I recently started...

Mud Training for a Balanced Canter

Many folks seem to confuse a horse’s innate ability to canter with a balanced, soft canter. These are not the same thing. Many who bring a horse to me for training tell me their horse canters just fine. I have them ‘show’ me on line and I just shake my head and say,...
Bucking as seen from the #1 Challenge

Bucking as seen from the #1 Challenge

Bucking scored second in replies for my question on your #1 challenge with your horse. So, plop down in a chair and peruse this relatively short read. I’ve chosen a few out of the many replies people wrote about their horse bucking to start with. 1. While perfect 95%...

Black and Jessy

Comparisons are always important to understand what’s what. We wouldn’t know what hot is if we didn’t know what cold is and such. So, because Rocco isn’t real proficient with his ground work (or his mounted work, but we’re not going into that part for this article)...